Wednesday, May 18, 2016

7 Things We Expecting From Google I/O 2016

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Google IO 2016 is around the corner and just few hours away. Google is doing great work for the its biggest Event of the year. They have already rolled out updates to App, Website and Social Media profiles to give the look of Google I/O 2016.

We will be there to cover the whole Google IO 2016 and to let you know the latest happenings. For the time being we have prepared a list of the things that we are expecting from Google I/O 2016. For developers, tech experts and geeks across the world this is a major event to discover all the new inventions made by the giant G.

7 Things We expecting from Google IO 2016

Android N

This is the primary thing that we are expecting from Google IO 2016. Google has released the developer preview of the Android N few months back and they are continuously improving it.  Recently Android N also made available for Nexus Player. So we expect full launch of the Android N.

There are lot of features of Android N that users got to know after the initial launch of the device. But, still many things are unknown.

We expect lot more from Android N. We hope that more stuff should be added to the Android N.

Android Wear New Update

There’s a “What’s New in Android Wear” session in Google IO 2016 agenda. So, we expect that Android Wear is going to get some more powers or features upgrade. Android Wear was laucnhed at IO 2014, and, since, two years despite of regular upgrades it has started feeling that Android Wear is missing something.

This is much needed thing for Android Wear. Many users around the world are looking for IO 2016. Do you own any Android Wearable?


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Chromebook with Android Apps Support

In recent past, we heard many rumors that Google is going to integrate Android Apps with Chromebooks or ChromeOS. We don’t know whether they will launch support for Android Apps by integrating Android with ChromeOS or they are working on any other method.

Less than a month ago, someone on reddit caught a fleeting glimpse of a checkbox that said “Enable Android Apps to run on your Chromebook”.

Google IO 2016 is going to provide awnsers to all these rumors.

Virtual Reality Hardware

Virtual Reality is making hits all over the market with some major companies releasing their VR machines. Recently, HTC announced HTC Vive pre and there’s new version of the Oculus Rift slated for launch in some upcoming time.

As per the rumors, Google is also going to unveil the Virtual Reality Hardware and it is going to be less powerful than the HTC Vive and Rift. The event will be the perfect space to release some new hardware and systems for this technology that is getting bigger and bigger in the industry.

Project Tango

The devices powered by Project Tango will be able to recognize places they have been before, such as public places, offices and more. The motion-tracking ability of Project Tango also works indoors, allowing users to navigate accurately in indoor environments such as a shopping mall. The development of the first consumer device with Project Tango is coming to partnership with lenovo. At CES 2016 Lenovo said:

“The new smartphone, powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon processor, turns the screen into a magic window that can overlay digital information and objects onto the real world. Lenovo, Google, and Qualcomm Technologies are working closely together to optimize the software and hardware to ensure consumers get the most out of the Project Tango platform.”

So there’s lot of stuff unknown and we are looking for Google IO 2016 for this.

Xiaomi’s Google Chirp

This was leaked just few days ago, that Xiaomi is coming on with some hardware device. Google will introduce it’s standalone connected home device at I/O, and will name it ‘Home.’ A previous report noted it was going by the codename of ‘Chirp.’

So there’s lot less information available but this is another thing that we are waiting for. This also come under Google’s Project Home with Echo.

Project Aura

The project follows up from Google Glass and continues to focus on the wearable world. Google has even hired consumer electronics experts from Amazon’s secretive Lab 126 to jump-start the new group. According to reports Google plans to release its new wearable devices this IO.

So that’s it from our list and what we expect from Google IO 2016. Is there anything missing? Well, what are you looking for?[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

7 Things We Expecting From Google I/O 2016