Wednesday, November 11, 2020

OnePlus 5 embraces OxygenOS 10.0.1 update

In case if you believe OnePlus 5 is breathing its last, then the latest OxygenOS 10.0.1 should prove you wrong. OnePlus known for its exceptional software support has been maintaining even its nearly 4-year-old devices.  As such, the OnePlus 5 is receiving what could be a maintenance update of weighing in at around 250MB in size.

Must SeeOnePlus 8 and 8 Pro Start Receiving Android 11-Based OxygenOS 11 Update

OxygenOS 10.0.1


  • System
    • Fixed the abnormal call recording issue

    • Fixed the de-activated alarm issue when the phone was powered off

    • Updated Android Security Patch to 2020. 09

    • Updated GMS package to 2020.08

  • Full Screen Gestures
    • Back gesture from the bottom of the screen is available (OP5T only)

  • Camera
    • Electronic Image Stabilization has been added, bringing you the more stable shooting experience

As per the changelog, the OxygenOS 10.0.1 comes with a bunch of bug fixes and an updated security patch level to 2020.09. While not the latest SMR, it’s good to see OnePlus not hesitating to maintain the 2017 flagship. That being said, the OTA  should take time to reach all the devices out there. You always have the option to check the software update manually by heading over to the update section.

It goes without saying that the Android 11 update for the OnePlus 5 seems to be far from the realm of possibilities. Unless wonder happens, the device will indeed end its life with the Android 10. In a sense, it’s not at all bad as the device has received 3 major Android updates since its release.

Anyway, we recommend you to update your device to be free from bugs and as a measurement to enhance the security.

Also ReadOnePlus 8T Update Tracker (All Version Details)

OnePlus 5 embraces OxygenOS 10.0.1 update